In this type of poker, each player has some private cards, sometimes known as "hole" cards, concealed from the other players, and there are some "shared" or "community" cards dealt face up to the centre of the table or board. These face up cards are available to all players, and each player makes up a five-card poker hand from a combination of private and shared cards. The most famous game of this sort is Texas Hold'em, which became popular as a tournament and online game at the end of the 20th and start of the 21st century, and is now played by many poker players to the exclusion of all other variants. Omaha is another well-known but somewhat less played variant, and there are numerous home poker games based on simlar principles and with various enhancements.
The index below includes both traditional shared card poker variants and invented variants (listed in italics). The game type column shows other categories to which some games also belong. See also the full index of poker variants, which includes an explanation of the categories.
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