This page is part of the index of card games classified by objective. Cards can be captured by various means, the commonest being taking of tricks and fishing.
In some of these games all the cards or tricks are equal in value; in some the cards have varying values, each card being worth a specific number of points, or attention may be focussed on winning a specific trick, for example the last. The objective may be to capture as many cards (or points) as possible, or as few as possible, or a specific amount. This gives us eight types of objective:
Objective: | to capture | to avoid capturing | to capture a specific amount |
All cards are of equal value | Capture as many cards as possible | Capture as few cards as possible | Capture a specific number of cards |
Cards have various values | Capture as many points as possible | Capture as few points as possible | Capture a specific number of points |
Only particular tricks count | Take the last trick | Lose the last trick(s) | --- |
There are also some card capture games with mixed objectives.
This is one of the most widespread types of card game. The majority plain trick games are of this type.
This is surprisingly rare as a principle for a whole game, but sometimes occurs as part of a game. There are two somewhat different versions.
There is a group of games in which players bid a number of tricks and try to win exactly that number. This is principle of the exact bidding group of plain-trick games.
Most point-trick games and most fishing games are of this type, as is the climbing game Zheng Fen.
In the reverse group of point-trick games the cards have penalty point values and the object is to avoid taking them in tricks. Sometimes these games allow the exceptional opportunity to win if you can take all the penalty cards. Hearts is a well-known game of this type.
These are the point-trick equivalent of the exact bidding group. Differenzler Jass is one of the few games of this type.
Some of the last trick group of plain-trick games have this objective. Also, many point-trick games include a bonus for winning the last trick.
In particular, Tarot games often have a bonus for winning the last trick with the lowest trump, and this has spread to related games such as Ulti and Marias.
In Cucumber, 22 and Krypkille, the aim is to avoid winning the last trick. In Barbu the contract "no last two" has the objective to avoid winning the last two tricks.
Some games have a mixture of positive and negative value cards. Examples are Kaiser, Gong Zhu and the similar variation of Hearts in which the diamond jack counts plus 10.
The Jass games Mittlere, Molotov and Plus-Minus have the unusual objective of taking either most or fewest card points; the player in the middle is the loser.