Boy Crazy was a collectible card game for girls, created by Decipher, Inc., during the Pokémon Trading Card Game boom. Each card featured a picture of a boy aged 12-22, his first name, and a list of his likes and dislikes. Gameplay began with a group of girls opening a pack of cards. One girl in the group would decide which of the boys in the pack she liked the best, and write this down along with her reasons why. Then the other girls would write down which boy they thought would be good for the first girl, and why. The group would then go around, explaining their choices and reasoning. Whoever guessed correctly the boy that the first girl chose got a point. Play continued until every girl had a chance to select a boy, and the player with the most points won.
The game includes boys from across the United States, from different ethnic backgrounds and hair and eye colors, including disabled boys.
The game was so popular that Decipher launched a companion "Boy Crazy" magazine in September 2001.