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Illustrated Hungarian Tarokk:
Example Deals

  1. Yielded game, volát failed with kontra, pagátuhu made
  2. Centrum, kontra'd pagátultimó
  3. Pagátultimó announced and made against the Skíz and the XXI
  4. The XXI caught from behind
  5. The pagát accepts a cue bid and XXI-catch is announced
  6. Small bird made without the XIX and the XVII
  7. Cue bid; king ultimó made with kontra
  8. Two with double game
  9. Attempt to catch the XXI
  10. Centrum
  11. Bidding won by the pagát; kontra'd announcements
  12. The XX is discarded: one against three
  13. A few tarokk customs and sayings

Key to examples

A, B, C, D .. The players, in anticlockwise order. D is the dealer.
K .. King
Q .. Queen
C .. Cavalier (Rider)
J .. Jack
A, 10 .. Ace, Ten
I, VII, XV, Skíz .. Tarokks
XI, K .. Cards picked up from the talon are green underlined