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Rhombic Chess

Rhombic Chess starting setup. Each side commands a standard set of chess pieces. Cell colors highlight pointwise movement.

Rhombic Chess is a chess variant for two players created by Tony Paletta in 1980. The gameboard has an overall hexagonal shape and comprises 72 rhombi in three alternating colors. Each player commands a full set of standard chess pieces.

The game was first published in Chess Spectrum Newsletter 2 by the inventor. It was included in World Game Review No. 10 edited by Michael Keller.

Game rules

The diagram shows the starting setup. As in standard chess, White moves first and checkmate wins the game. Piece moves are described using two basic types of movement:

Piece moves


Parachess starting setup. Each army includes two sorcerers. Cell colors highlight arcwise and wavepath movements.

Circa 2000, Paletta created Parachess using the same board geometry but introducing additional ways to move:

  • An arcwise step - through the sharpest corner of a cell, to a cell not connected to the starting cell edgewise or pointwise.
  • A wavepath move - a series of arcwise steps, with each step in the opposite direction of the preceding step.

These ways to move are highlighted on the board by same-colored cells.

Piece moves

  • A rook moves edgewise only (as in Rhombic Chess).
  • A bishop moves pointwise (as in Rhombic Chess) or along a wavepath.
  • The queen moves as a rook and bishop.
  • The king moves one step edgewise, pointwise, or arcwise. As in Rhombic Chess, there is no castling.
  • The sorcerer moves in the pattern: one step pointwise, followed by one step edgewise or arcwise, or vice versa. It leaps any intervening men.
  • A pawn moves forward one step edgewise, pointwise, or arcwise; there is no initial two-step option. A pawn captures forward one step edgewise or pointwise. There is no en passant. A pawn must reach the opponent's furthest rank in order to promote.