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Alois Wotawa

Alois Wotawa (11 June 1896 - 12 April 1970) was an Austrian composer of chess problems and endgame studies. He was born and died in Vienna.

Composition career

Wotawa composed more than 350 endgame studies, which were published particularly in the German-speaking countries. Wotawa also composed some problems, which he called "bungled endgames".

In 1966, FIDE honored Wotawa as an international master of chess composition.

Example endgame study

In the following study, White finds an amazing move to force a draw.

Alois Wotawa
Österreichische Schachzeitung, 1952
a b c d e f g h
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
White to move and draw

1. Sf7-e5 Td7-d2+
2. Kf2-e3 Td2-e2+
3. Ke3-d4 Te2xe5
4. Tf1-f6!! Forks the bishop and rook. If Black protects both with 4...Ra5, 5.Rg6 wins the pawn and draws. There remains only 4...g7xf6 stalemate.
