Bridge rules Bridge strategy & bidding Bridge championships

CS System

CS System is a bridge bidding system, was invented by Mr. Chaitad Suriya, who was Thai national team. CS stands for "Complete System" and also "Chaitad Suriya". By a word "Complete", the system integrates points, shapes, and losers altogether.


Opening HCP Losers Details
1 13-18 5-7 (0+), unbalanced hand, no 5 cards major
1 16-21 4-6 (0+), any distribution
1, 1 12-15 5-7 5-cards suit unbalanced hand
1NT 13-15 7-8 balanced or semi balanced hand
2 21+ 0-4 balanced or semi balanced hand
16+ 0-3 any distribution unbalanced hand G/F
2 6-12 7-8 or (6+), weak
2, 2 12-15 5-6 6-cards suit unbalanced hand with two top honors or three of five
2NT 21-22 balanced or semi balanced hand
3 12-15 3.5-4.5 5-cards + or 5-cards
3 12-15 3.5-4.5 5-cards + or 5-cards
3, 3 6-12 6-7 7-cards suit preemptive
3NT 4-5 Gambling, solid 7-card minor suit leading with AKQ, no more than 1 K outside
4 12-15 3.5-4.5 5-cards + 5-cards
4 12-15 3.5-4.5 5-cards + 5-cards



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